The Compound Club

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12 videos

Playbook : Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo

Ini adalah rangkaian video yang terpanjang & terlama di The Compound Club, karena gua ngerasa: Kita semua perlu keluar dari mental block "ah, gua kan introvert.." Kita semua perlu mengasah skill ini sedini mungkin, karena jam terbang matters dalam hal ini Di pekerjaan manapun, role apapun, bahkan di rumah, skill komunikasi yang baik akan ngebawa hidup kita ke arah yang lebih baik
< 1 min read
1 video

Playbook : Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

A practical guide to thinking better and making better decisions. It exposes common thinking errors and provides simple solutions to avoid them, leading to improved clarity and rationality in our daily lives.
< 1 min read
5 videos

Playbook : Influence by Robert Cialdini

Easily one of the book that changes the way I look at human relationships. Influence is about six principles of persuasion useful for sales, marketing, and negotiation. Professor Robert Cialdini backs his ideas with a lot of science research. The six principles are: reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority and scarcity.
< 1 min read
1 video

Playbook : Kalimat Persuasif Ubah Keraguan Jadi Keyakinan

Magic Words explore the power of language and how certain words can influence people's thoughts and actions. This video offers insights into how to use the right words to persuade, connect, and motivate others.
Default Post Image
3 min read

Passion vs. Money : Ending The Debate

Kadang yang seharusnya simple, kita buat ribet, supaya keliatan pinter. Contohnya, passion. Kalau diulik dari buku-buku yang mempopulerkan istilah ini, passion itu intinya cara keren untuk bilang "this is what I love doing".
Insert Margin Fellexandro Ruby Blog
2 min read

Insert : Margin

Seringkali, ketika kita nyusun to-do list, masukin schedule ke dalam Google Calendar, kita berasumsi bahwa segala sesuatu akan berjalan lancar sesuai rencana kita. My question, do things ever goes smooth 100% of the time? Most probably not.
thirty days of lunch podcast host @fellexandro
2 min read

Skill Yang (Hampir) Terlupakan : Consistency

Terlalu mudah memulai sesuatu yang baru di jaman ini. "Hey, podcast lagi rising nih, bikin yuk!". Fast forward tiga bulan kemudian, tiga episode sudah tayang di bulan pertama, lalu vakum total di dua bulan berikutnya.