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you do you book (bestseller)

Hey, This is Ruby!

I’m the author of #1 bestseller, You Do You, and creator of Spotify award winning podcast, Thirty Days of Lunch.

My work has been featured in Kick Andy, TEDx, Tatler Asia, Ideafest to name a few.

My ikigai also includes building businesses and sharing through speaking engagement. Previous clients include OCBC, Visa, Honda, Kemenkeu, Bank Indonesia, and many more.

Use this site as a hub for you to learn & grow. Deep dive through e-books or 60+ easy to digest videos on self improvement and quality of life.

Fellexandro Ruby



Beyond Words: The Art of Writing and Storytelling – Edward Suhadi

DCX: Canva Simple Workflow

DCX: Principles of Valueable Content + Waterfall Strategy



The Little Things We Miss As Professionals

Tulisan ini ditujukan buat yang pengalaman kerja di bawah 3 tahun, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan, lo yang di atas 3 tahun juga mungkin masih miss soal ini. Have a read. Hope it helps you compound 1% better today. 😉👇

Gray Matters & Consequences

Alih-alih meyakinkan orang kalau cara saya yang paling benar, justru saya pengen nunjukkin ada begitu banyak cara menuju sebuah goal, apapun itu.  Makin ke sini, makin melihat banyak sekali yang abu-abu di hidup ini.  Agen asuransi Brodential di-push leadernya untuk beli BMW supaya cita-rasa suksesnya jadi magnet rekrutmen agent baru. Is that right? Is it wrong?